OR&R NOAA Project Liaisons for Funded CRRC Projects

These individuals will be appointed based on interest, expertise, opportunity for staff development and availability as determined by OR&R management. Interactions between NOAA Project Liaisons and CRRC Project Principal Investigators are expected to improve the relevance of the funded work to OR&R needs and build partnerships within the research community. Project Liaisons will:

  1. Provide technical advice to the CRRC Co-Directors. This would include working directly with the CRRC Co-directors to: review project experimental design/quality assurance plans, read and comment on progress reports, and review documents and presentations along with the CRRC Science Advisory Panel and other entities, as appropriate.
  2. Visit project research sites, as appropriate to conduct reviews or observe experiments.
  3. Work with the Co-Directors, other OR&R staff, and the Project Principal Investigators to proactively translate the research to field application.
Project Liaison Project PI
Carl Childs Worldwide Synthesis of the Toxicological Effects of Oil, Dispersants and Dispersed Oil on Aquatic Fauna A. Bejarano
Nicolle Rutherford Understanding Chronic Impacts of Chemical Dispersant and Chemically-Dispersed Oil on Behavior, Molting Success, and Hormone Status and of Blue Crab Larvae: Inputs for Recruitment and Population Models E. Schott
Jordan Stout Response Risk Communication Tools for Dispersants and Oil Spills A. Walker
Steve Thur Convergent Validity Test of the Parameter Updating Method C. Poulos
Glen Watabayashi Delivery and Quality Assurance of Short-Term Trajectory Forecasts from HF Radar Observations N. Garfield
Chris Barker Development of a Predictive Bayesian Data-Derived Multi-Modal Gaussian Maximum-Likelihood Model of Sunken Oil Mass J. Englehardt
Chris Barker Dispersion and submergence as extremes of a theoretical continuum: development of numerical algorithms to compute interaction of surface oil with breaking waves M. Reed
John Rapp Ecology and Economics for Restoration Scaling C. Peterson
Gary Shigenaka Effects of Dispersants on Oil-SPM Aggregation and Fate in U.S. Coastal Waters A. Khelifa
CJ Beegle-Krause Field Verification of Oil Spill Fate and Transport Modeling and Linking CODAR Observation System Data with SIMAP Predictions J. Payne
Troy Baker Guidance for Dispersant Decision-Making: Potential for Impacts on Aquatic Biota D. French-McCay
Robert Haddad Investigation of Physical and Chemical Causes of Heavy Oil Submergence B. Hollebone
Bill Lehr Measurements and Modeling of Size Distributions, Settling and Dispersions Rates of Oil Droplets in Turbulent Flows J. Katz
 Eric English Monetary Values and Restoration Equivalents for Lost Recreational Services on the Gulf of Texas Due to Oil Spills an Other Environmental Disruptions G. Parsons
Alan Mearns Relationship Between Acute and Population Level Effects of Exposure to Dispersed Oil and the Influence of Exposure Conditions Using Multiple Life History Stages of an Estuarine Copepod, Eurytemora affinis, as a Model Planktonic Organism D. Aurand
Ed Levine Social disruption from oil spills and spill response: Characterizing effects, vulnerabilities, and the adequacy of existing data to inform decision-making T. Webler
Jim Farr &
Debra Simecek-Beatty
Wave Tank Studies on Dispersant Effectiveness as a Function of Energy Dissipation Rate and Particle Size Distribution