The 2005 National Research Council report entitled Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects notes that there are "significant gaps in the knowledge needed to make sound decisions regarding the use of dispersant in areas that [are] nearshore, shallow, or with restricted flushing rates." It also recommends that "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Minerals Management Service (MMS), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), relevant state agencies, industry, and appropriate international partners should work together to establish an integrated research plan which focuses on collecting and disseminating peer-reviewed information about key aspects of dispersant use in a scientifically robust, but environmentally meaningful context."
The Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC), a partnership between NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration and the University of New Hampshire (UNH), convened a meeting of many of these entities in July 2005 to discuss the possibility of forming an integrated approach to dispersants research. The participants decided to form a Dispersants Working Group (DWG) and agreed to participate in a coordinated research plan in which:
- Each participating entity will maintain its autonomy;
- Requests for proposals (RFPs), Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs), other funding announcements and all research results will be shared among the DWG and made public, where possible.
The CRRC agreed to coordinate DWG activities and to provide the mechanism by which reports, RFPs and other elements of interest are distributed and shared among the entities and the oil spill community. Hence, the development of this collaborative website.
CRRC: Updates on Ongoing Research at Clean Gulf 2024
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Combined Meeting Notes
Dispersants Working Group at IOSC 2024
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Meeting Notes
Dispersants Working Group at Clean Gulf 2023
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Meeting Notes
Dispersants Working Group at Clean Gulf 2018
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Meeting Notes
Dispersants Working Group at Clean Gulf 2017
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Meeting Notes
Dispersants Working Group at IOSC 2017
Monday, May 15, 2017
Meeting Notes
Dispersants Working Group at Clean Gulf 2016
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Meeting Notes
Dispersant Working Group meeting at Clean Gulf 2015
Wednesday November 11, 2015
Dispersant Working Group meeting at Clean Gulf 2014
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Dispersant Working Group meeting at IOSC 2014
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Meeting Minutes
Dispersants Working Group at Clean Gulf Conference 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013,Tampa FL
Meeting Minutes
Dispersants Working Group at Clean Gulf 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012, New Orleans, LA
Meeting Minutes
Dispersants Working Group at Clean Gulf 2011
Date: Wednesday 30November
Location: Room 002A at the Convention Center
Time: 7:00 pm CST
(In conjunction with Clean Gulf in San Antonio, TX - Nov 30 - Dec 1, 2011)
Meeting Minutes
Dispersants Working Group at IOSC 2011
Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Time: 6:30 pm PDT
Room: Hawthorne/Sellwood Rooms
(In conjunction with IOSC in Portland, OR)
Meeting Minutes
Dispersants Working Group at Clean Gulf 2010
Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 6:30 pm ET
Room 5-6 (conference center)
(In conjunction with Clean Gulf in Tampa Bay, FL)
Meeting Minutes
Dispersants Working Group at Clean Gulf - 2009
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 @ 6:30 CST
Room 203 (conference center)
(in conjunction with Clean Gulf in New Orleans, LA)
Meeting Minutes
Dispersants Working Group at Clean Gulf
Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 @ 4:30pm
(in conjunction with Clean Gulf in San Antonio, TX)
Meeting Minutes
Dispersants Working Group at IOSC
Monday, May 5, 2008
Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa, Riverscape Room @7:30-9:00 pm
(in conjunction with International Oil Spill Conference in Savnnah GA)
Meeting Minutes
Dispersants Working Group
Friday, November 16, 2007
11:30am - 1:00pm ET
(in conjunction with Clean Gulf, Tampa, FL)
Meeting Minutes
Dispersants Working Group
Meeting and Conference Call
October 11, 2007
Anchorage Downtown Marriott
(in conjunction with the International Oil & Ice Workshop)
Meeting Minutes
Dispersants Working Group
Conference Call
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Meeting Minutes
Dispersants Working Group
Conference Call
June 8, 2006
Meeting Minutes
Dispersants Working Group
September 22, 2005
UNH, Durham, NH
Meeting Minutes
CRRC (Coastal Response Research Center)
No funding RFP posted at this time.
Alaska DEC Prevention & Emergency Response Program
No funding RFP posted at this time.
API (American Petroleum Institute)
No funding RFP posted at this time.
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
Oil Spill Response Research and Decommissioning-Broad Agency Announcements
CA OSPR (California Dept of Fish and Game, Office of Spill Prevention and Response)
No funding RFP posted at this time.
CIRCAC (Cook Inlet Regional Citizen's Advisory Council)
No funding RFP posted at this time.
ExxonMobil Institute
No funding RFP posted at this time.
ICCOPR (Interagency Coordinating Committee on Pollution Research)
NOAA OR&R (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Office of Response and Restoration)
OSRI (Prince William Sound, Oil Spill Recovery Institute)
Prince William Sound Regional Citizen's Advisory Council
Research Planning, Inc.
No funding RFP posted at this time.
Texas General Land Office - general funding information
USCG (United States Coast Guard)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - general funding information
(Coastal Response Research Center)
Nancy Kinner
(American Petroleum Institute)
Colin Frazier
Paul Panetta
(Bureau of Ocean Energy Management)
Pat Roscigno
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement)
Lori Medley
(California Dept of Fish and Game, Office of Spill Prevention and Response)
Ellen Faurot-Daniels
Stephane LeFloch
Jim Myers
(Cook Inlet Regional Citizen's Advisory Council)
Susan Saupe
Bruce Hollebone
Thomas Coolbaugh
(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Office of Response and Restoration)
(Prince William Sound, Oil Spill Recovery Institute)
W. Scott Pegau
Joe Banta
Jacqui Michel
Paul Schuler
Victoria Broje
Per Daling
Steve Buschang
Robyn Conmy
Vanessa Principe
Greg Wilson
Effectiveness of Dispersants: Topic 1 - Chemical Parameters that Influence Overall Effectiveness
Topic: | Project Title/PI: | Completion Date: | Funding Agency: | ||
Literature synthesis on physical and chemical properties of oils that determine the overall effectiveness of dispersants |
1 |
Dispersants: An Electronic Bibliography on Effectiveness, Technological Advances, and Toxicological Effects. |
Complete | Louisiana OSRADP | ||
1 | Stability and the Resurfacing of Dispersed Oil. Fingas of Environment Canada |
Complete (2005) | PWS RCAC | ||
1 | A Review of the Emulsification Tendencies and Long Term Petroleum Trends of Alaska North Slope Oils and the White Paper on Emulsification of ANS Crude Oil Spilled in Valdez. Fingas of Environment Canada |
Complete (2005) | PWS RCAC | ||
1 | Technology Assessment of the Use of Dispersants on Spills from MMS-Regulated OCS Facilities. SL Ross Envrionmental Research Ltd. |
Complete (2001) | MMS/BOEMRE/BOEM | ||
1 | Assessment of the Use of Dispersants on Marine Oil Spills in California. SL Ross Envrionmental Research Ltd. |
Complete (2002) | MMS/BOEMRE/BOEM | ||
1 | Chemical Characteristics of an Oil and the Relationship to Dispersant Effectiveness Emergencies Science Division, Environment Canada |
Complete (2004) | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Identification of Window of Opportunity for Chemical Dispersants on Gulf of Mexico Crude Oils SL Ross Environmental Research Ltd. |
Complete (2007) | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects JIP with National Academy of Science |
Complete | JIP members (MMS, NOAA, API, USCG) | ||
1 | IMO Guidelines (Updating) | Complete (2012) | International Maritime Organization | ||
Refining existing datasets to correlate physical and chemical properties of different types of oil with dispersibility |
1 | Effectiveness by use of dispersant on various oils at relevant weathering degree and ice concentrations. Task leader - SINTEF, Norway |
Complete (2008) | Shell | ||
1 | Wave Tank Studies on Dispersant Effectiveness as a Function of Energy Dissipation Rate and Particle Size Distribution. Lee, Venosa of Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada |
Complete (2009) | CRRC | ||
1 | Effects of Dispersants on Oil-SPM Aggregation and Fate in US Coastal Waters. Khelifa, Fingas of Environment Canada |
Complete (2008) | CRRC | ||
1 | Development of a Numerical Algorithm to Compute the Effects of Breaking Waves on Surface Oil Spilled at Sea: Dispersion and Submergence/Over-Washing as Extremes of a Theoretical Continuum. Reed, Daling, Johansen of SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Norway |
Complete (2009) | CRRC | ||
1 | Measurements and Modeling of Size Distributions, Settling and Dispersions (turbulent diffusion) Rates of Oil Droplets in Turbulent Flows. Katz, Gopalan of The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Mechanical Engineering |
Complete (2009) | CRRC | ||
1 | EMSA - Project: "Decision Support Tool for Dispersant Use." SINTEF, CEDRE, Alun Lewis Ltd |
Complete (2006) | SINTEF/EMSA/CEDRE/Lewis | ||
1 | Correlating Results of Dispersants Effectiveness at Ohmsett with Identical At-Sea trial: Effects of Oil Viscosity and Dispersant to Oil Ratios. SL Ross Environmental Research Ltd. |
Complete (2005) | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Analysis of IFO-180 and IFO-380 Oil Properties for Dispersant Windo of Opportunity. SL Ross Environmental Research Ltd. |
Complete (2004) | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Correlating Results of Ohmsett Dispersant Test with At-Sea Trials: Workshop to Coordinate Publications and Prioritize Follow-up Research. SL Ross Environmental Research Ltd. |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Mitigating Oil Spills from Offshore and Gas Activities by Enhancement of Oil-Mineral Aggregate Formation DFO Canada - Center for Offshore Oil & Gas Environmental Research |
Complete (2009) |
Protocols for creating weathered oil/emulsions |
1 | "Harmonization of SINTEF / CEDRE Methodologies." | Complete | SINTEF/ CEDRE | ||
1 | Development of a Method to Produce Large Quantities of Realistic Water-In-Oil Emulsions for Use in Evaluating Oil Spill Response Equipment and Methods. Mr. Randy Belore, SL Ross Environmental Research Ltd. | Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Workshop to Determine the Scope of an Experimental Oil Spill in Pack Ice in Halifax, Canada, November 1-2, 2005 Mr. Steve Potter, S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd and Mr. David Dickins, DF Dickins and Associates |
Complete (2005) | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
Development of standard oils with known dispersibility over a range of variables, for use in comparisons with other oils |
1 |
Wave Tank Studies on Dispersant Effectiveness as a Function of Energy Dissipation Rate and Particle Size Distribution. |
Complete (2009) | CRRC | ||
1 | Development of a Numerical Algorithm to Compute the Effects of Breaking Waves on Surface Oil Spilled at Sea: Dispersion and Submergence/Over-Washing as Extremes of a Theoretical Continuum. Reed, Daling, Johansen of SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Norway |
Complete (2009) | CRRC | ||
1 | Measurements and Modeling of Size Distributions, Settling and Dispersions (turbulent diffusion) Rates of Oil Droplets in Turbulent Flows. Katz, Gopalan of The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Mechanical Engineering |
Complete (2009) | CRRC | ||
1 | "Harmonization of SINTEF / CEDRE Methodologies" | SINTEF/ CEDRE | |||
Development and intercomparison studies of methods for measuring droplet size distributions and energy dissipation rate in different dispersant effectiveness test systems |
1 | Wave Tank Studies on Dispersant Effectiveness as a Function of Energy Dissipation Rate and Particle Size Distribution. Lee, Venosa of Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada |
Complete (2009) | CRRC | ||
1 | Development of a Numerical Algorithm to Compute the Effects of Breaking Waves on Surface Oil Spilled at Sea: Dispersion and Submergence/Over-Washing as Extremes of a Theoretical Continuum. Reed, Daling, Johansen of SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Norway |
Complete (2009) | CRRC | ||
1 | Measurements and Modeling of Size Distributions, Settling and Dispersions (turbulent diffusion) Rates of Oil Droplets in Turbulent Flows. Katz, Gopalan of The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Mechanical Engineering |
Complete (2009) | CRRC | ||
1 | "JIP-Coastal Spill Contingency-Lifetime of Weathered Oils Using Flume Basin." | SINTEF/ CEDRE | |||
1 | Laboratory Testing to Determine Dispersion Predictability of the Baffled Flask Test (BFT) and Swirling Flask Test (SWT). Dr. Albert Venosa, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Dr. George Sorial, University of Cincinnati |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Chemical Dispersant Research at Ohmsett: Phase 2 - Validation of Small-Scale Laboratory Test Dispersant Effectiveness Ranking. Mr. Randy Belore/Dr. Ken Trudel, S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Analysis of Dispersant Effectiveness of Heavy Fuel Oils and Weathered Crude Oils at Two Different Temperatures Using the Baffled Flask Test. Dr. Albert Venosa, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Dr. George Sorial, University of Cincinnati |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
Design and implement a research program to fill identified data gaps in chemical dispersant |
1 | 2005 Research & Development Needs For Making Decisions Regarding Dispersing Oil. CRRC Workshop Report |
Complete | CRRC | ||
1 | "JIP: Oil in Ice-Project4: Dispersant Effectiveness in Ice" | Complete | Norwegian Reseach Council/ JIP | ||
1 | Using Dispersants to Test and Evaluate the Effectiveness of Dispersants in Cold Water and Broken Ice. Mr. Randy Belore, SL Ross Environmental Research Ltd |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
Ohmsett 2003 Cold Water Dispersant Effectiveness Experiments. Mr. Randy Belore, SL Ross Environmental Research Ltd. |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | |||
1 | Dispersant Effectiveness Testing on Heavy OCS Crude Oils at Ohmsett. Mr. Randy Belore, SL Ross Environmental Research Ltd. |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | The Effect of Warming Viscous Oils Prior to Discharge on Dispersant Performance. Mr. Randy Belore, SL Ross Environmental Research Ltd. |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Calm Sea Application of Dispersants. Dr. Ken Trudel and Randy Belore, S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Chemical Dispersibility of OCS Crude Oils in Non-Breaking Waves; Part 1 Determining the Limiting Oil Viscosity for Dispersion in Non-Breaking Waves. Dr. Ken Trudel and Mr. Randy Belore, S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd.; and Mr. Alun Lewis, Alun Lewis Oil Spill Consultancy |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Research at Ohmsett on the Effectiveness of Chemical Dispersants on Alaskan Oils in Cold Water. Dr. Ken Trudel and Mr. Randy Belore, SL Ross Environmental Research |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Laboratory Study to Compare the Effectiveness of Chemical Dispersants When Applied Dilute versus Neat. SL Ross Environmental Research Ltd |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Changes with Dispersant Effectiveness with Extended Exposure in Calm Seas S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd and Alun Lewis Oil Spill Consultancy |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Development of a Training Package on the Use of Chemical Dispersants for Ohmsett - The National Oil Spill Response Test Facility. S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Chemical Dispersant Research at Ohmsett. S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Chemical Dispersant Research at Ohmsett - S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd.Literature Review on Chemical Treating Agents in Fresh and Brackish Water. Mr. Randy Belore, S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd. |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/BSEE | ||
1 | Chemical Dispersant Research at Ohmsett: Phase 2 - Evaluation of Dispersant Effectiveness in Low-Dose, Repeat Applications. Mr. Randy Belore/Dr. Ken Trudel, S.L. Ross Environmental Research. Ltd. |
Completed | MMS/BOEMRE | ||
1 | Chemical Dispersant Research at Ohmsett: Phase 2 - Validation of Small-Scale Laboratory Test Dispersant Effectiveness Ranking. Mr. Randy Belore/Dr. Ken Trudel, S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd |
Completed | MMS/BOEMRE | ||
1 | Review of Ohmsett Cold Water Testing. Fingas, DeCola, Environment Canada |
Completed | PWS RCAC | ||
1 | Laboratory Study of the Effects of Time on the Effectiveness of Dispersants. Dr. Per Daling, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry |
Completed | BSEE/SINTEF | ||
1 | Cold Water Dispersant Effectiveness Experiments on Alaskan Crude Oils at Ohmsett—The National Oil Spill Response Test Facility. Joseph Mullin, MMS and SL Ross |
Completed | MMS/BOEMRE | ||
1 | Mid-Scale Tank Research Using Oil Herding Surfactants to Thicken Oil Slicks in Broken Ice. Mr. Ian Buist, S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd. |
Completed | MMS/BOEMRE | ||
1 |
Heavy Oil Dispersant Research |
Completed | BOEM | ||
1 | Baffled Flask Dispersant Effectiveness Testing Dr. Al Venosa |
Completed | BOEM | ||
1 | Weathering and Dispersability of the Macondo MC252 crude oil Dr. Per Daling, SINTEF |
Completed | SINTEF | ||
1 | Field Assessment and Laboratory Study of the Dispersability of DWH Surface Emulsions | Completed (2010) | SINTEF report: A 16062, ISNB 978-82-14-05004-2 |
Effectiveness of Dispersants: Topic 2- Chemical Parameters that Influence Overall Effectiveness
Topic: | Project Title/PI: | Completion Date: | Funding Agency: | ||
Determination of the factors that represent realistic operational conditions for wave tank test systems |
2 | JIP-Coastal Spill Contingency-Lifetime of Weathered Oils. | Completed, 2008 | SINTEF | ||
Improving models of dispersed oil transport in the upper mixed layer |
2 | Dispersion and Submergence as Extremes of a Theoretical Continuum: Development of Numerical Algorithms to Compute Interaction of Surface Oil with Breaking Waves Dr. Mark Reed, Per Snorre Daling, and Øistein Johansen, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry |
Completed, 2009 | CRRC/ SINTEF | ||
Update SMART monitoring protocols |
2 | Field Verification of Oil Spill Fate & Transport Modeling and Linking CODAR Observation System Data with SIMAP Predictions Payne, French-McCay, Terrill, Nordhaussen, Payne Environmental Consultants, Inc. |
Completed, 2007 | CRRC | ||
2 | Upgrade of SMART Dispersant Effectiveness Monitoring Protocol S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE/USCG | ||
Assessment of the effects of dispersant application on subsequent mechanical recovery of undispersed oil |
2 | Mechanical Recovery of Oil Treated with Dispersant. | Complete | SINTEF/ Norwegian Authorities | ||
2 | Investigation of the Ability to Effectively Recover Oil Following Dispersant Application S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. |
Completed, 2007 | MMS/BOEMRE | ||
Optimizing the operational effectiveness of dispersant applications |
2 | Improve and Adapt Existing Dispersant Application Technology for Oil in Ice and Low Temperatures. Task leader Sintef |
Completed, 2010 |
2 | Development of New Application System for Large Response Vessels. | Completed, 2006 | SINTEF | ||
2 | JIP-Oil in Ice: Development of Boat Application Systems Use in Ice-Covered Areas. | Completed, 2009 | SINTEF/JIP | ||
2 | Chemical Dispersant Research at Ohmsett: Phase 2 - Evaluation of Dispersant Effectiveness in Low-Dose, Repeat Applications. Mr. Randy Belore/Dr. Ken Trudel, S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd |
Completed, 2009 | BSEE | ||
2 | Laboratory Study of the Effects of Time on the Effectiveness of Dispersants Dr. Per Daling, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry |
Complete | SINTEF | ||
2 | Cold Water Dispersant Effectiveness Experiments on Alaskan Crude Oils at Ohmsett-The National Oil spill Response Test Facility Joseph Mullin and S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd |
Complete | MMS/BOEMRE | ||
2 | Plume analysis including the characterization of oil droplet formation from sub-sea injection of dispersants by the modification of BIO/USEPA wave tank to include sub-surface dispersant injection | Complete | Ken Lee, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada; | ||
2 | Gulf of Mexico (field and laboratory studies on oil biodegradation rates and the interaction of chemically dispersed oil with suspended sediment in nearshore waters) | Complete | Ken Lee, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada; NRC | ||
2 | Arctic research-field trials and dispersant testing in ocean and ice | Complete | Ken Lee, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada;PERD (Panel of Energy Research and Development); ESRF (Environmental Studies Research Fund) | ||
Evaluation of new technologies for monitoring dispersant effectiveness in the field |
2 | Upgrading of Instrumentation at SINTEF and Testing During Field Trials. | Completed, 2006 | SINTEF/Statoil/NOFO | ||
2 | Use of Natural Oil Seeps for Evaluation of NEAT SWEEP Dispersant Application Technology and Intercalibration of NOAA SMART Protocols with Measurement of Dissolved-Phase and Dispersed Oil Droplet concentrations in the Water Column Dr. James Payne, Payne Environmental Consultants, Inc. |
Completed, 2004 | CRRC | ||
2 |
Sub-Surface Injection of Dispersants - Using Meso-scale Tower Basin |
Completed 2013 | SINTEF |
Effectiveness of Dispersants: Topic 3 - Modeling Integration of Chemical, Operational and Hydrodynamic Parameters
Effects of Dispersants: Topic 4 - Fate of Oil and Dispersed Oil in the Water Column and Other Habitats
Topic: | Project Title/PI: | Completion Date: | Funding Agency: | ||
Understanding the interactions of chemically dispersed oil droplets with suspended particulate matter (SPM) and how these processes affect the rate of oil biodegradation and ultimate fate of dispersed oil |
4 | Effects of Dispersants on Oil-SPM Aggregation and Fate in US Coastal Waters. Khelifa, Fingas, Environment Canada |
Completed, 2008 | CRRC | ||
4 | Fate and Effects of Dispersed Oil in Shallow Water | 2010 | SINTEF/JIP | ||
4 |
Fate of Dispersed Oil - mechanically vs. chemically |
Ongoing 2010-2013 | SINTEF | ||
4 | Using the application of advanced genomics techniques to monitor changes in the structure and function of microbial communities as a means to monitor the impact of oil, the efficacy of countermeasures and habitat recovery | Ken Lee, Bedford Institute of Oceanography; Charles Greer, National Research Council of Canada | |||
4 | Studies on oil mineral aggregates in the presence and absence of chemical oil dispersants | Ken Lee, Bedford Institute of Oceanography | |||
Assessment of the degree, rate, and consequences of surfactant leaching from surface slicks and chemically dispersed oil droplets |
4 | Petroleum Environmental Research Forum (PERF) Project--Dispersant Effectiveness after Extended Contact. Resby (SINTEF), Nedwed (ExxonMobil) Understanding the Effects of Time and Energy on the Effectiveness of Dispersants |
Completed, 2007 | ExxonMobil, Total, Statoil, US MMS/BOEMRE, OSRL, Alaska Clean Seas, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company (Shell operated), Dept of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, TX General Land Office | ||
4 | Fate and Effects of Emulsions Product after Oil Spills in Estuaries Dr. Richard Lee, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography |
Completed, 2004 | CRRC | ||
4 | SERF-JIP: Effectiveness of Dispersants after Extended Contact Time with Oil. (SINTEF /CEDRE cooperation) | 2007 | SINTEF/CEDRE | ||
Reconciliation of the differences between the empirical evaporation approach and traditional pseudo-component approach |
4 | Field Validations of Model Predictions. | 2000 | SINTEF | ||
Quantification of the biodegradation kinetics of dispersed oil |
4 | Several Recent Research Projects at SINTEF within biodegradation of WAF and dispersed oil | 2006 | SINTEF/JIP/Norwegian Research Council | ||
4 | Biodegradation of Chemically Dispersed Oil: an Ecosystem Approach (AEA Technology) |
Completed, 2001 | MMS/BOEMRE | ||
4 | Droplet Size and Biodegradation of Naturally and Chemically Dispersion of Macondo Crude Oil Odd Brakstad, Per Daling - SINTEF |
Ongoing (2011) | SINTEF | ||
4 | Effects of Chemically Dispersed and Biodegraded Oils Plymouth Laboratories, Inc |
Completed, 2004 | MMS/BOEMRE | ||
Improve, verify, and validate oil spill trajectory and fate models |
4 | Field Verification of Oil Spill Fate & Transport Modeling and Linking CODAR Observation System Data with SIMAP Predictions. Payne, French-McCay, Terrill, Nordhaussen (Payne Environmental Consultants, Inc.) |
Completed, 2007 | CRRC | ||
4 | Delivery and Quality Assurance of Short-Term Trajectory Forecasts from HF Radar Observations. Garfield (San Francisco State University), Paduan (U.S. Naval Postgraduate School), Ohlmann (UC Santa Barbara) |
Completed, 2008 | CRRC | ||
4 | A Continuous Ongoing Process. | SINTEF |
Effects of Dispersants: Topic 5 - Realistic Exposure Regimes/Toxicity Testing
Topic: | Project Title/PI: | Completion Date: | Funding Agency: | ||
Develop methods for collection and analysis of samples of dissolved phase and particulate/oil-droplet phase PAH in environmental samples |
5 | Acute and Chronic Effects of Oil, Dispersant and Dispersed Oil to Sensitive Symbiotic Cnidarian Species, Including Corals. Mitchelmore, Baker, Hatch (University of Maryland Chesapeake Biological Laboratory) |
Completed, 2008 | CRRC | ||
5 | Studies Using Aquatic Turtles (the Diamondback Terrapin and Snapping Turtle) to Assess the Potential Long-Term Effects of Oiling of Nests During Early Embryonic Development. Dr. Christopher Rowe, University of Maryland Chesapeake Biological Laboratory |
Completed, 2008 | CRRC | ||
5 | Long-term Effects - Exposure Methodology Development. | 2007 | SINTEF/ Norwegian Research Council | ||
Monitoring dispersed oil concentrations at spills of opportunity |
5 | SINTEF is responsible for all monitoring of dispersed oil during field testing by NOFO of dispersant on experimental oil spills. | SINTEF | |||
5 | Effects of Dispersed Oil on Arctic Marine Environments. | JIP/Shell | |||
Literature synthesis of dispersed oil toxicity studies |
5 | Effect of Dispersed Oil. | 2007 | SINTEF/statoil | ||
Standard methods for toxicity testing of dispersed oil appropriate for coastal regimes |
5 | Method Development for Testing Effects of Dispersed Oil Droplets on Fish Larvae and Calanus. | Complete (2010) | SINTEF/ Norwegian Research Council; Contact: | ||
5 | Chemical Response to Oil Spill: Ecological Effects Research Forum (CROSERF). Ecosystem Management and Associates, Inc |
Complete | API, Exxon, Chevron, Marine Spill Response Corporation, state government agencies (AK, CA, FL, LA, TX, WA), federal government agencies (MMS/BOEMRE, NOAA, EPA) and Environment Canada | ||
5 | Discobiol | 2012 | CEDRE, Contact: Francios Merlin | ||
5 | Combining Mineral Fines with Chemical Dispersants to Disperse Oil in Low Temperature and Low Mixing Energy Environments, Including the Arctic | Ken Lee, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada; Francios Merlin, CEDRE | |||
5 | Effects on mudflats of oil, and especially the effect of the bioturbation by worms (with additional test condition on dispersed oil) | Completed | Ken Lee, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada; Francios Merlin, CEDRE | ||
5 | Physiology & Ecotoxicology of sea bass exposed to chemically dispersed oil (continuation of DISCOBIOL study) | Completed | Francios Merlin, CEDRE; Ken Lee, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada | ||
5 | Toxicity of chemically dispersed oil on fish (herring embryos, salmon smolts, and juvenile cod) | Completed | Ken Lee, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada; PSW RCAC | ||
5 | A collaborative research agreement: field trials off the coast of China to study oil toxicity, biodegradation and the evaluation of spill treating agents | Completed | Ken Lee, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada; State Oceanic Administration of China | ||
5 | Toxicity of dispersed oil on whales | Completed (2014) | PWS RCAC; Universityof Southern Maine | ||
5 | Synthesis on Uptake and Effects of Dispersed Oil Droplets by Zooplanton | Completed | PWS RCAC; Skidaway Institute of Oceanography | ||
5 | Salmon, cod and herring exposure to dispersed oil | Completed (2017) | PWS RCAC; Canada DFO | ||
5 | Pink salmon and herring exposure to dispersed oil | Completed | PWS RCAC; NMFS, Auke Bay | ||
Annually updated bibliography of recent dispersant articles (2011) [excel spreadsheet] | Completed (2011) | PWS RCAC | |||
The Effects of WAF and CEWAF on EROD Activity in Juvenile Atlantic Cod | Completed (2010) | Burridge, L.E., Lyons, M.C., Wong, D.K.H., Li, Z and Lee, K., ATW 2010, Toronto ON | |||
Investigations Into Potential Effects Of Oil, Oil Dispersants And Mixtures On Various Life Stages Of Marine Fish | Completed | Burridge, L.E., PWSRCAC meeting, Anchorage AK 2010: Centre for Offshore Oil, Gas and Energy Research (COOGER) | |||
Comparison of the sensitivity of early-life stages of herring (Clupea sp.) species and stocks to the toxicity of three crude oils. | Johnson, S., Courtenay, S., Boudreau, M., Lee, K., | ||||
Effect of salinity and temperature on the toxicity of dispersed oil to Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) embryos exposed to Arabian light crude oil | Johnson, S., Courtenay, S., Boudreau, M., Lee, K., | ||||
SETAC Europe 2011, Milan, Italy: Environmental Factors affecting the toxicity of dispersed oil for herring embryos (Clupea sp.). Poster presentation. | Johnson, S., Courtenay, S., Boudreau, M., Lee, K., | ||||
AMOP 2011, Calgary, AB: Environmental Factors affecting the toxicity of dispersed oil for herring embryos (Clupea sp.). Platform presentation. | Johnson, S., Courtenay, S., Boudreau, M., Lee, K., | ||||
ACCESS 2011 Antigonish NS: Environmental Factors affecting the toxicity of dispersed oil for herring embryos (Clupea sp.). Poster presentation. | Johnson, S., Courtenay, S., Boudreau, M., Lee, K., | ||||
Toxicity Effects of Chemically-Dispersed Crude Oil on Fish. In: Proceedings of the International Oil Spill Conference, 2011. In Press; Accepted January 2011 | Lee, K., King, T., Robinson, B., Li, Z., Burridge, L.E., Lyons, M.C., Wong, D.K.H., MacKeigan, K., Courtenay, S., Johnson, S., Hodson, P., Greer, C., Venosa, A | ||||
The Influence of Water Temperature on Induced Liver EROD Activity in Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) Exposed to Crude Oil and Oil Dispersants; Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (in Press). | Lyons, M.C., Wong, D.K.H., Mulder, I., Lee, K., Burridge, L.E., |
Effects of Dispersants: Topic 6 - Integration to Make Short and Long Term Prediction of Effects
Topic: | Project Title/PI: | Completion Date: | Funding Agency: | ||
Synthesis of existing dispersed oil toxicity data to support risk-based decision making for use of dispersants at spills |
6 | Environmental Impact Factor (EIF Acute). SINTEF /Veritas |
SINTEF/Hydro/Statoil | |||
Effects of dispersed oil on wildlife |
Effects of short-term exposure to dispersed oil |
6 | Acute and Chronic Effects of Oil, Dispersant and Dispersed Oil to Sensitive Symbiotic Cnidarian Species, Including Corals. Mitchelmore, Baker, Hatch (University of Maryland Chesapeake Biological Laboratory) |
Completed, 2008 | CRRC | ||
6 | Acute and Chronic Effects of Crude and Dispersed Oil on Chinook Salmon Smolts (Oncorrhynchus tshawytscha). Tjeerdema (University of California, Davis)" |
Completed,2006 | CRRC | ||
6 | Influence of Dispersants on Oil Toxicity in Fish Embryos. Incardona, Scholz, Collier, Blanchard (NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Fisheries Science Center) |
On-going | NOAA/ NWFSC | ||
6 | The Relationship Between Acute and Population Level Effects of Exposure to Dispersed Oil, and the Influence of Exposure Conditions Using Multiple Life History Stages of an Estuarine Copepod, Eurytemora affinis, as a Model Planktonic Organism. Aurand, Coelho (Ecosystem Management & Assoc) |
Completed, 2008 | CRRC | ||
6 | Effects of Dispersed Oil on Cod-Larvae. | 2009 | SINTEF/JIP | ||
6 | Understanding fitness-related effects of dispersed oil on Calanus finmarchicus | 2010-2012 | SINTEF/RCN | ||
6 | Acute and Chronic Effects of Crude and Dispersed Oil to Tropical Nearshore Ecosystems: TROPICS 25th Year Visit | May 2011 | Clean Caribbean & Americas | ||
6 | Effects of Dispersed Oil - Mechanically vs Chemically Bjorn HenrickHansen, SINTEF |
2010-2012 | SINTEF Contact | ||
Long-term effects of short-term exposures to dispersed oil |
6 | Acute and Chronic Effects of Crude and Dispersed Oil on Chinook Salmon Smolts (Oncorrhynchus tshawytscha). Tjeerdema (University of California, Davis) |
Completed, 2009 | CA OSPR | ||
6 | Effect of Oil and Dispersant and Dispersed Oil on Feathers | CA OSPR | |||
6 | Physical Fate and Biological Effects of Dispersed Oil in Shallow Water. | Completed, 2008 | JIP: Statoil, Eni | ||
6 | Dispersants as Oil Spill Countermeasures for the Remediation and Restoration of Sensitive Coastal Habitats. Dr. Qianxin Lin, Louisiana State University, School of the Coast |
Completed, 2005 | CRRC | ||
Integration of fate and toxicity models with population models to predict short- and long-term effects of dispersant application |
6 | Innovative Coastal Modeling for Decision Support: Integrating Physical, Biological, and Toxicological Models. | 2006 | CRRC | ||
6 | Oil Spill Modeling Working Group - CRRC | CRRC | |||
6 | NRDAM for the 1991 Gulf War, Arabian Gulf | 2003 | SINTEF | ||
6 | Coastal and shoreline oil spill response: Fate of oil spill in coastal waters Covers processes involved in the fate of dispersed oil, with emphasis on the effect of presence of dispersant on these processes | 2012 |
JIP: Statoil / Shell / Eni |
Additional recent research papers (received January 2019) from ExxonMobil
- Arctic Cod Paper:
- Use of clays used in drilling muds for oil spill dispersion:
- Modeling of subsea dispersant injection with the Oscar model:
- Biodegradation of dispersant surfactants in cold seawater:
- Integrating Dispersants in Oil Spill Response in Arctic and Other Icy Environments:
Subsea dispersant comparative risk assessment papers
- Paper 1:
- Paper 2:
- Paper 3:
Subsea dispersant efficacy papers
- Paper 1: SSDI, Effectiveness of Different Dispersant Injection Techniques - An Experimental Approach:
- Quantification of oil droplets under high pressure laboratory experiments simulating deep water oil releases and subsea dispersants injection (SSDI):
Subsea dispersant fate and effects papers
- The aquatic hazard of hydrocarbon liquids and gases and the modulating role of pressure on dissolved gas and oil toxicity:
- The sensitivity of a deep?sea fish species (Anoplopoma fimbria) to oil?associated aromatic compounds, dispersant, and Alaskan North Slope crude oil:
- Modeling the toxicity of dissolved crude oil exposures to characterize the sensitivity of cod (Gadus morhua) larvae and role of individual and unresolved hydrocarbons:
Dispersants are a class of chemicals that enhance natural dispersion of oil in marine environments. When chemical dispersants are applied to oil slicks, the dispersant molecules interact at the oil-water interface, reducing the interfacial tension, and allow oil droplets to break away from slicks or sheens. Once separated from the surface slick, the droplets remain in the mixed layer and naturally disperse.
video credit, Joseph Katz, UNH
In order for dispersants to be effective, the water must be turbulent. The mixing energy provided by wind and waves allows the oil to break down to smaller size droplets. Katz (2009) used holographic imagery to capture how this process occurs.
Final Report
The stretching of the droplet into a curved "dumbbell" shape is caused by turbulence and the lowered interfacial tension of the oil as a result of the dispersant. This process produces a range of droplet sizes, referred to as a droplet size distribution. The size distribution is a function of the magnitude of turbulence and the type and amount of dispersant applied. Droplet size is one of the key factors dictating the fate and behavior of the oil. The ultimate goal of dispersants is to dilute the oil to an extent that it represents a low risk to the environment. This is accomplished through dispersing oil droplets into the water column, where they enter the mixed layer (ML) and disperse via currents and natural diffusion in three dimensions. Dispersants do not decrease the quantity of oil, they force dilution of the oil droplets into a large volume of water. Once dispersed, these oil droplets can have various potential fates including: sedimentation; dissolution; biodegradation; re-coalescence; and uptake by biota, either through ingestion or absorption (i.e., via direct contact on membranes or body surfaces).
Click on the photo to the right to view the video (Joseph Katz, UNH).
A Comprehensive Dispersant Hazard Assessment Based on Nearly 50-Years of Aquatic Toxicity Data, Adriana Bejarnao, Research Planning Inc
Critical Review and Analysis of Aquatic Toxcity Data on Oil Spill Dispersants, Adriana Bejarnao, Research Planning Inc
A Comparative Assessment of the Aquatic Toxicity of Corexit 9500 to Marine Organisms, Brandi Echols, Langdon, Stubblefield, Rand and Gardinali (2018).
BSEE large study comparative report
API JITF Subsea Dispersant Injection Newsletter
Deepwater Horizon Dispersant Use meeting report (May 26 & 27, 2010)
Deepwater Horizon Dispersant Use meeting press release (May 27, 2010)
Dispersant Research Information
Dispersed Oil Research Forum Presentations - February 1-2, 2007
Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
USEPA Dispersant Toxicity Testing (June 30, 2010) Comparative Toxicity of Eight Oil Dispersant Products on Two Gulf of Mexico Aquatic Test Species
Australian Maritime Safety Administration (August 2009)
Montara Wellhead Incident and dispersant application
Large-Scale Cold Water Dispersant Effectiveness Experiments with Alaskan Crude Oils and Corexit 9500 and 9527 Dispersants. The paper was published in Marine Pollution Bulletin (MMS)
ExxonMobil Oil Spill Dispersant Guidelines
ExxonMobil Oil Spill Response Field Manual
Dispersants Bibliography
A bibliography compiled and edited by John Conover, Associate Librarian at LUMCON
11/17/07 presentation by Francois Merlin (Cedre)
SPREEX: Spill Response Experience WP2-T2.4 - Use of Dispersants - State of the Art
Francois Xavier Merlin and Georges Peigne (Cedre)
Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects
National Academy report
Dispersed Oil Research Forum - February 1-2, 2007
Research & Development Needs For Making Decisions Regarding Dispersing Oil, September 20-21, 2005
The workshop report
The Center hosted a short course, Efficacy and Effects of Dispersants in Oil Spill Response: Progress since the 2005 NRC Report, at the 2008 International Oil Spill Conference on May 4, 2008.