Science Advisory Panel

The CRRC Science Advisory Panel consists of scientists and engineers experienced in the areas of marine spills, particularly with respect to protection and restoration of coastal environments and communities. The Panel is composed of representatives from the academic community, governmental agencies (federal and/or state) and the private sector.

The Panel, acting by consensus, advises and makes recommendations to the CRRC Co-Directors regarding the long range research themes and priorities of the Center; the merit of research projects funded by the Center; and the effectiveness of the Center's research programs and activities.

  • Kate Wheelock
    NOAA, Assessment & Restoration Division
  • Charlie Henry
    NOAA, Gulf of Mexico Disaster Response Division
  • W. Scott Pegau
    Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI)
  • Lisa Symons
    NOAA, Conservation Policy and Planning Division


Ex Officio Members

  • Nancy Kinner
    Co-Director, Coastal Response Research Center (UNH)
  • Troy Baker
    Co-Director, Coastal Response Research Center (NOAA)