Tuesday, December 3, 2019 to Thursday, December 5, 2019
Anchorage, Alaska
Oil Spill Modeling for Improved Response to Arctic Maritime Spills: The Path Forward
The Arctic region is projected to experience an increase in maritime shipping and natural resource development. As a result, the probability of more and larger spills, particularly of petroleum, is increasing the need for response-relevant computer modeling. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Response & Restoration (ORR) provides scientific support (including modeling) to the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) during oil spill response. This workshop provides a structured approach to gather expert advice in order to improve Arctic spill response and address USCG and FOSC core needs.
Goals of this workshop
The workshop will be a mix of presentations on the different models available for oil spill response in the Arctic by a range of spill and ice modeling experts. It will focus on critical elements associated with Arctic oil spill modeling such as oil fate and transport, subsea blowout modeling, and operational considerations. All discussions will be mindful of the ultimate goal of having useful oil spill response modeling for the Arctic that will inform decision-making during spills and will be conducted considering guidepost needs and questions developed by the project’s Core Advisory Team and key agency stakeholders. The outcome of the workshop will result in the formation of 3-4 Working Groups on key topics that need to be resolved to improve oil spill response modeling.

- AMSM Responders Needs and Questions: Arctic Oil Spill Models should address
- AMSM Needs, Questions and Goals (condensed)
- Workshop Overview and Goals, Nancy Kinner
- Plenary: The Role of Oil Spill Models in Response
- Captain MacKenzie, USCG
- Crystal Smith, Alaska On-Scene Coordinator
- Plenary: Overview of Arctic Spill Modeling Needs, Questions and Goals
- Chris Barker, NOAA OR&R ERD
- Plenary: Review of Existing Oil Spill Models
- OILMAP and SIMAP - Debbie French McCay, RPS ASA
- SINTEF Marine Environmental Modeling Workbench (MEMW) - CJ Beegle-Krause
- OpenDrift/OpenOil - (presented by CJ Beegle-Krause) MET Norway
- Canadian Oil Spill Modeling Suite (COSMoS) - Guillaume Marcotte, MET Canada
- National Research Council Canada -Hossein Babaei
- SPILLCALC - Aurelien Hospital, TetraTech
- SPILLMOD - Sergei Zatsepa, GOIN, State Oceanographic Institute
- MOHID - Haibo Niu,Dalhousie University
- Blowout and Spill Occurence Model (BLOSOM) - Kelly Rose, DOE NETL
- TAMOC Oil Spill Calculator - Scott Socolofsky, Texas A&M University
- Plenary: Review of Existing Ice Models
- HIOMASS - Jinlun Zhang, University of Washington
- Environment Canada - Graigory Sutherland
- NERSC - (presented by CJ Beegle-Krause)
- MIKE 21/3 Oil Spill - Mads Madsen, DHI
- Non-Remote Sensing Integration
- Naval Postgraduate School - Wieslaw Maslowski
- Discrete Element Model for Sea Ice - Adrian Turner
- SINMOD Coupled Ice Ocean Model - CJ Beegle-Krause
- Regional Ocean Modeling System - Kate Hedstrom
- Sea-Ice Simulator, version 2 - Robert Hallberg
- Plenary
- Oil and Ice, Kelsey Frazier, UAA
University of Alaska Anchorage
3211 Providence Drive
Anchorage, AK, 99580
Parking instructions: If necessary, please park in Willow Visitor lot off of Bragaw Street near Gorsuch Commons. This is a metered parking area and will cost $10/day. It is highly recommended to park at Spring Hill Suites and use the shuttle to come to the workshop venue.
Our meeting room is in Gorsuch Commons (room 107) on the campus of UAA
SpringHill Suites Anchorage University Lake
4050 University Lake Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
Book your group rate for ADAC Workshop
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
6:00 pm
Glacier Brewhouse
737 West 5th Ave, #110
Anchorage, AK 99501
(907) 274-2739
Participants (by invitation only)
Planning Committee
- Nancy Kinner, CRRC
- Sarah Allan, NOAA OR&R ARD
- Chris Barker, NOAA OR&R ERD
- MST1 Gary Barnum, USCG, PacArea MST1
- CJ Beegle-Krause, SINTEF
- Catherine Berg, NOAA OR&R ERD SSC
- Rick Bernhardt, Alaska DEC
- LT Omar Borges, USCG MER
- Lisa DiPinto, NOAA OR&R
- Amy MacFadyen, NOAA OR&R ERD
- Guillaume Marcotte, Met Canada
- Dr. Phillip McGillivary, USCG PacArea
- Scott Socolofsky, Texas A&M University
Questions? Please contact Kathy Mandsager or ADAC Fellow Megan Verfaillie