CAPRI Nome Workshop

Climate Assessment and Proactive Resilience Initiative (CAPRI)

 This in-person workshop is sponsored by the Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC/CSE) with generous funding support from ADAC-ARCTIC (University of Alaska Anchorage).

Capri Nome workshop participants


Workshop Final Report:

CAPRI/ERMA Nome Workshop Report with appendices, Coastal Response Research Center (released January 2025)


October 23-25, 2024

[Wednesday & Thursday are 9 am - 4:30 pm AKDT; Friday 9 am - 1 pm AKDT]


     Northwest Campus, Grand Hall
     Nome, Alaska


     Here >>




     Welcome by Organizers, Nancy Kinner and Ukallaysaaq Okleasik

     ERMA Introduction and Orientation, Zach Winters-Staszak, NOAA Office of Response & Restoration

     Nome Climate Change Impacts, Rick Thoman, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment & Policy

     Alaska Native Cultural, Traditional and Subsistence Relationships to Lands and Waters of Nome, Brandon Ahmasuk

Community & Economic Development Uses and Plan for Nome inclusive of lands and waters:

     Port of Nome/Cape Nome: Harbor and port activities including expansion, Joy Baker and Lucas Stotts

     Commercial Fisheries, Luke Henslee, AK Fish & Game, Commercial Fisheries Division

     Nome Tourism, David Karp, Nome Discovery Tours

     Graphite One Mine Update, Blake Bogart

     Disaster planning & response: community disaster planning, Kevin Knowlton, Kawerak

     Visual Narrative and Artist Renderings, Kate Sweeney and Iñuraaq Evans

News and Resources:


Steering Committee:

     Nancy Kinner, Co-Director, Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) and Center for Spills in the Environment (CSE) at University of New Hampshire (UNH)

     Ukallaysaaq Okleasik, Northwest Planning, LLC

     Hailey Scofield, Kawerak, Inc. Climate Change Mitigation

     Carol Piscoya, Kawerak, Inc. Community Service Division,Planning Commissioner

     Sean McKnight, Kawerak, Inc. Transportation Program Director

     Lucas Stotts, City of Nome/Port of Nome, Harbor Master


Questions? Please contact Kathy Mandsager
