Tuesday, May 22, 2012 to Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Kotzebue, Alaska
Meeting Goal
The goal of this meeting will be to discuss community involvement in spill response and natural resource damage assessment (NRDA); to integrate local community knowledge into Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA®); and to enhance relationships between local communities and government agencies regarding planning and preparation for potential oil spill response and restoration.
Final Report
- Overview of Meeting: Oil Spill Response, Planning & Preparation, Arctic ERMA®, Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA), and Restoration/Recovery
Nancy Kinner & Amy Merten - Introduction to Spill Response for Offshore Oil Developments/Exploration in the Chukchi Sea
Frank Schiano - Ecological Risk Assessment for the Northwest Arctic Subarea Contingency Plan
Mary Baker - Introduction to ERMA®
Amy Merten - Introduction to Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA), Restoration/Recovery
Mary Baker
Pre-Reading Resources
- NRDA in Arctic Water: The Dialogue Begins Workshop Report (April 20 -22, 2010 in Anchorage, AK)
- Opening the Arctic Seas: Envisioning Disasters & Framing Solutions Workshop Report (March 18-20, 2008 in Durham, NH)
- Arctic ERMA Overview
Meeting Location
The Northwest Arctic Heritage Center
171 Third Ave
Kotzebue, AK 99752
Nullagvik Hotel (use booking code: Coastal Research)
P.O. Box 336, 336 Shore Avenue
Kotzebue, Alaska 99752
(907) 442-3331
Working Organizing Committee
Nancy Kinner, CRRC Co-Director nancy.kinner@unh.edu
Amy Merten, NOAA Co-Director, ORR Spatial Data Team amy.merten@noaa.gov
Mary Baker, NOAA ORR ARD mary.baker@noaa.gov
Marie Greene, NANA marie.greene@nana.com
Millie Hawley, Maniilaq Association millie.hawley@ymail.com
Ukallaysaaq Tom Okleasik, Northwest Arctic Borough tokleasik@nwabor.org
Scott Pegau, OSRI wspegau@pwssc.org
Cheryl Rosa, U.S. Arctic Commission crosa@arctic.gov
Lincoln Saito, Northwest Arctic Borough lsaito@nwabor.org
Puya Bob Schaeffer, Northwest Arctic Borough bschaeffer@nwabor.org
John Whitney, NOAA john.whitney@noaa.gov
Questions? Please contact kathy.mandsager@unh.edu (603) 862-1545