Pacific Islands Natural Resource Damage Assessment

Tuesday, July 16, 2019 to Thursday, July 18, 2019
Honolulu, Hawaii

Pacific Islands: Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Workshop and Training

Pacific Islands Natural Resource Damage Assessment Hawaii Group

Overall Objectives

Training for local agency staff and scientists to initiate and conduct a successful NRDA for an oil spill, or threat of an oil spill.  Develop personal connections with NOAA staff who support and assist the NRDA effort remotely.


The workshop will cover basic NRDA principles, organizational planning, ephemeral data collection, coordination with response, data collection for exposure and assessment, and data management. 





NOAA Inouye Regional Center
1855 Wasp Blvd
Honolulu, HI

Organizing Committee

Nancy Kinner, CRRC

Laurie Sullivan, NOAA

Michelle Barbieri, NOAA NMFS

Amy Merten, NOAA

Shawn Murakawa, NOAA NMFS

Matthew Parry, NOAA Restoration Center

Teri Rowles, NOAA NMFS

Shannon Ruseborn, NOAA Restoration Center, DARRP

Brian Stacy, NOAA HQ NMFS Protected Resources

Jessican White, NOAA, Sanctuaries

Sarah Wilkin, NOAA NMFS OPR

Ruth Yender, NOAA ORR SSC


Questions? Contact Kathy Mandsager
