Tuesday, March 1 and Wednesday, March 2 (9:00 am - 3:00 pm PT)
2-day virtual event
NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD) in partnership with the University of New Hampshire's Coastal Response Research Center is hosting this virtual event.
The workshop will provide the opportunity for NOAA line offices to develop a common understanding of the process, challenges, and possibilities for injury assessment for marine mammals along the West Coast (WA-CA) prior to the next oil spill. The workshop will begin with overview presentations by the NMFS Science Centers and Regional Office on their research capabilities, and by the Office of Response and Restoration and Office of Protected Resources on NOAA’s role in oil spill response and Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA). The second day of the workshop will discuss recent oil spills where marine mammal NRDA claims were considered or pursued, and follow-up discussions will build on past experience to address challenges and data gaps moving forward. Potential baseline information that might be available, species to address, methodologies, platforms for assessments, and overarching collaboration between the NOAA line offices will be identified. The workshop will identify priorities where further pre-spill planning and workplan development could assist in improving marine mammal injury assessments, particularly for time-sensitive data collection early in an oil spill response and NRDA.
Pre-workshop Presentations
Workshop Presentations
- Introduction, Nancy Kinner, CRRC
- Welcome and Objectives - Laurie Sullivan, NOAA OR&R ARD and Teri Rowles, NMFS Protected Resources
- Southwest Fisheries Science Center, David Weller
- Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Peter Mahoney
- Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Brad Hanson
- West Coast Regional Office, Grace Ferrara
- NOAA's Role in Response, John Tarpley
- Introduction to NRDA and Restoration, Troy Baker
- NMFS Protected Resources, Teri Rowles
- Wildlife Response Activities, Michael Ziccardo, DVM and Sarah Wilkin
- NRDA and Response Interactions, Troy Baker
- Case Studies, Laurie Sullivan
- NOAA Job Aid (2010) Characteristics Response Strategies
- NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPR-52
- A review of climate change effects on marine mammals in United States waters: Past predictions, observed impacts, current research and conservation imperatives. by Gulland, Baker, Howe, LaBrecque, Leach, Moore, Reeves, Thomas. Climate Change ecology 3 (2022) 100054. https://repository.library.noaa.gov/view/noaa/39125
- Low reproductive success rates of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the northern Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon disaster (2010-2015). by Kellar, Nicholas M., Todd R. Speakman, Cynthia R. Smith, Suzanne M. Lane, Brian C. Balmer, Marisa L. Trego, Krista N. Catelani et al. Endangered Species Research 33 (2017): 143-158. Trego, Marisa L., Eunha Hoh, Andrew Whitehead, Nicholas M. Kellar, Morgane Lauf, Dana O. Datuin, and Rebecca L. Lewison. "Contaminant exposure linked
- Comprehensive screening links halogenated organic compounds with testosterone levels in male Delphinus delphis from the Southern California bight. by Trego, Marisa L., Eunha Hoh, Nicholas M. Kellar, Sara Meszaros, Michelle N. Robbins, Nathan G. Dodder, Andrew Whitehead, and Rebecca L. Lewison. Environmental Science & Technology 52, no. 5 (2018): 3101-3109.
- NOAA OR&R Job Aids for UAS in response and platforms
- USGS aerial photo transects
Steering Committee
- Nancy Kinner, CRRC, UNH
- Laurie Sullivan, NOAA ORR ARD
- Troy Baker, NOAA ORR ARD
- Lynne Barre, NOAA NMFS WCR PRD
- Teri Rowles, NOAA NMFS
- Susan Snyder, NOAA ORR ARD
- Sarah Wilkin, NOAA NMFS, OPR, Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program
Questions? Please contact Kathy Mandsager