Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal NRDA Workshop

Monday, June 7, 2021 to Wednesday, June 9, 2021
A Virtual Event


The workshop will provide the opportunity for all NOAA offices to develop a common understanding of the process, hurdles, and possibilities for injury assessment for marine mammals in Gulf of Mexico prior to the next oil spill. The workshop will use two Gulf of Mexico-based spill scenarios as examples for participants to use as they develop approaches for NRDA exposure and injury assessments. Potential baseline information that might be available, species to address, platforms for assessments, and overarching collaboration between the potential NOAA offices will be identified. The workshop will document the process for the injury assessment in the form of inputs to specific work plan templates (which the planning team has developed for this workshop).


June 7, 8 & 9 2021 (each day will be 3-hour virtual interactive session)
9 -12 CT (10 - 1 pm EDT)


Pre-workshop Presentations

Workshop Materials



Steering Committee:

  • Nancy Kinner, CRRC, UNH
  • Laurie Sullivan, NOAA OR&R ARD
  • Elizabeth Stratton, NOAA
  • Teri Rowles, NOAA NMFS
  • Susan Snyder, NOAA OR&R ARD
  • Sarah Wilkin, NOAA Fisheries, Office of Protected Resources, Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program
  • Daniel Hahn, NOAA OR&R ARD
  • Bryand Duke, NOAA OR&R ARD


Questions? Please contact Kathy Mandsager
