Safe Seas

Monday, August 7, 2006 to Friday, August 11, 2006
San Francisco, CA

Visit the Safe Seas 2006 website here

Safe Seas 2006 exercised oil spill response preparedness in the Gulf of the Farallones and Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuaries in the waters near San Francisco. The exercise highlighted the capabilities to deliver data, observations, forecasts, and expertise towards the goal of protecting life, comers, and the environment during an emergency. For more details, click here.



See the Safe Seas presentation

Nancy Kinner's Role

UNH Co-Director, Nancy Kinner was an evaluator of the High Frequency (HF) Radar interface with NOAA OR&R’s spill trajectory model that occurred during the exercise.

Amy Merten's Role

NOAA Co-Director, Amy Merten, and Center Affiliate, Jenna Jambeck, led a short course on marine debris in spill response and the shoreline and marine debris assessment portions of the drill.

The Center also sponsored Dr. James Payne (Payne Environmental Consultants, Inc.) and his team's participation in a fluorescein dye release experiment to simulate using dispersants as a spill response option.
